a prayer for bonfire.

Dear God,

Thank you for granting us the opportunity to labor beneath the trees and bare one another’s burdens just as Jesus labored beneath the tree as he ascended the hill and bore the burden of sin for all of us in the ultimate act of love (Galatians 3:13).

 I pray that his example of selflessness is held as a goal in all of our hearts as we work alongside our crews (John 15:13). I pray that our labors, like that of Jesus’, enable us to experience the goodwill of others, understand the separation of Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven, understand the extent of our own physical capacities, challenge our faiths, reveal to us your love and the true nature of others, and, inevitably, allow us to live in communion with one another as well as bring us closer to building a covenant with you.

When we wind ourselves fatigued in the midst of prolonged labor, let us be reminded of Christ’s fatigue and the determination and faith that allowed him to persevere in pursuit of the destiny you set forth for him(Matthew 27:34, Isaiah 53:4-7).

Let us humble ourselves to the assistance of others just as Jesus humbled himself and accepted the help of Simon (Luke 23:26). Let our attention to each log be careful and thorough just as you attention is to each of your children (Zephaniah 3:17). And, as we slam them onto stack, let us take pride in the structure that’s come to represent us as a community just like you take pride every time you invite another one of your children into your Eternal Kingdom (Luke 23:43).

When bonfire is ablaze, let us reflect on the transformative nature of fire in the Bible and search for the ways in which we have been transformed throughout the season (2 Corinthians 5:17). Let us be reminded of the fact that our God is said to be a consuming fire as our attention is consumed by the flames transforming bark and wire into ash (Hebrews 12:29).

As our desire is made manifest and apparent to others, let your love be made likewise in ourselves and in our friends (1 John 4:9). As smoke ascends into the night’s sky, let us refocus our lives that they might be lived in such a way that deems us worthy of ascending into your embrace. And, when all that is left of our season and our labor is ash, let us remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return (Genesis 3:19). Let the memories and stories of where we’ve come from inspire where we hope to go.

I love you forever,

Erin (S.A.S, LL ’16)


(Brian Kim Studio)

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor…” Romans 12:10

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